상담의이론과 실제


Promises, Promises!☎


My name is Daniel. I was an English teacher in Seoul, South Korea, and am now a writer who has

published three books including South Korea: Our Story by Daniel Nardini.

                             One thing I have learned is to be careful what politicians promise. In the 2016

American presidential campaign, then candidate for president Donald Trump promised that he would

"Make America Great Again." A nice promise, but one in my view that cannot be fulfilled. He promised that

he would work hard to bring back American jobs and create more American jobs so that Americans will be 

able to have the good high paying jobs that existed 50 to 60 years ago. In my view, simple economics 

trumps (excuse the pun!) campaign promises. One example of this is the iphone. Currently manufactured in

China, it is likely they will be made in Vietnam or Bangladesh next because the wages are lower in these

two countries, and the margin for profit greater. And that is the bottom line for corporations---less costs

and higher profits. This is why I do not see what once existed in America a log time ago. Likewise, I 

cannot believe for one second any of the promises being made by Moon Jae-in. He promises he will

negotiate a peace treaty with North Korea, try and create more jobs for young people, renegotiate the

comfort women agreement with Japan, and work to fight corruption. First, North Korea cannot be trusted

to keep its word on any agreement it ever made. This is why it is such a dangerous, unstable country. 

Second, trying to create more jobs is all nice and fine but was not accomplished by any of Moon's

predecessors. How will Moon be anymore successful? Finally, trying to renegotiate an agreement that

both Japan and South Korea agreed upon is only asking to make worse relations with Japan at a time

when South Korea needs an ally against North Korea. In the end, we all have to be careful about

balancing promises by various politicians with reality.

저작자 표시 비영리 변경 금지
아름다운 것! 그것은 마음의 눈으로 보여지는 미(美)이다.(주베르) "많은 사람이 충고를 받지만 노력으로 성취되며 인간은 죽을 때까지 완전한 인간이 못된다.(플랭클린) 교육의 목표는 지식의 증진과 진리의 씨부리기이다.(케네디) 정직은 가장 확실한 자본이다.(에머슨) 단 하나의 하늘에 올려진 고마워하는 생각이 완전한 기도이다.(레싱) 흩어지면 쓰러진다. 전쟁에서는 오직 한 번 죽지만 정치에서는 여러번 죽는다.(처칠) 인간의 마음가짐이 곧 행복이다.
♥♣"다른 인간을 증오하는 댓가는 United we stand seek to help
↓A full belly is the mother of all evil. 사물은 항상 시작이 가장 좋다. 모든 일은 어려운 고비를 넘겨야 쉬워진다.(풀러) "가장 높은 곳에 올라가려면


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